Tag Archives: Prayers

Today’s Quote on Our Words

“Praying before we speak helps us give God control of our attitude and our words.”

~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Scripture for reflection: Psalm 19:14; Colossians 4:2-6

Today’s Quote on Trust

“The Lord is the source of everything we need – physical, material, emotional, and spiritual. By asking Him to provide our basic necessities, we’re acknowledging our complete dependence upon Him and trusting in His sufficient provision for each day.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 6:9-15; Philippians 4:19

A Prayer for Today…

Father, even when life is tough and uncertain, please keep my faith anchored in You, my source of salvation and strength.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

Father, when circumstances cause me to fear, help me to remember that You are near, and to find courage in the power of Your presence.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

Heavenly Father, thank You for comforting me with Your love during times of rejection or loss. Help me to believe I can depend on You to meet every need in my soul.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

Heavenly Father, help me to find my full identity in You. Allow me to humbly see others through Your eyes of grace.

~Our Daily Bread


A Prayer for Today…

Lord, I believe You can use any experience to teach me more about who You are. Take my failures and use them for Your glory.”

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

God, forgive me for thinking I can find what I need apart from You. Thank You for always being there even when I forget to look for You. Draw me to Your side to live in the joy of walking with You.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

“Dear Lord, please give me the grace to surrender my heart to You and yield my life’s vanities to the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit.”

~Our Daily Bread