Tag Archives: joy

Today’s Quote on Joy

“As you allow the Holy Spirit to increasingly express His life and power through you, your joy will overflow and touch others.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: I John 1:1-10


Learning to Accept My Body


Most of the time, I don’t have a problem slipping on my mask. The smile. The laughter. The attention to others. Continuing to push when I’m tired. Working to please others, sometimes to my detriment.

But, I don’t have the energy or strength to put that mask on right now. I look at myself in the mirror, and my eyes say it all – “I’m worn out. Physically tired. Beaten up emotionally. Desperate spiritually.”

Even though my journey through chronic pain and illness has lasted over forty years, I admit I continue struggling with complete transparency when it comes to my health,  and I acknowledge the times I shy away from my husband and children. I’m sure they recognize when I’m not feeling well, but they choose to ignore it and allow me to keep going.

Recently however, something snapped. And I knew I had to let go of everything that added pressure, weight, and stress to my life. Continue reading

A Prayer for Today…

God, forgive me for thinking I can find what I need apart from You. Thank You for always being there even when I forget to look for You. Draw me to Your side to live in the joy of walking with You.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

Jesus, there are places in my life where hope has grown weak and cold, or even dead. You know this. I want to hope again, I truly do. Restore to me the joy of hope born by trusting You.

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Peace

“God’s love carries and holds us through our pain into peace and joy.”  ~Monica Brands

Scripture for Reflection: Psalm 16:1-11

Today’s Quote on Fear

“Worry keeps us from feeling free and joyful. We are never truly free until we break the chains of fear. A life without worry is a life of abundance, a life well lived.”  ~Author Unknown

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 6:25-34