Tag Archives: loving others

Today’s Quote on Life’s Tests

“Whether at home, at church, at work, or on the highway, consider each person you meet as someone undergoing a test in progress that you may not be aware of. Will you switch lanes to bypass them? Or will you offer a word of encouragement? Ask Jesus to give you the same attitude He has for others. Thank Him for loving and accepting us wherever we are in our tests in progress.”

~Cassandra Tiersma

Scripture for Reflection: Romans 15:1-5

Today’s Quote on Loving Your Neighbor

“An offense against your neighbor is a fence between you and God.”

~Bill Crowder

Scripture for Reflection: Galatians 5:13-15

A Prayer for Today

“Father God, please help me to see myself and others through Your eyes. Help me love with Your heart as I come into contact with people who are different from me.”

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today

“Lord, help me to move myself out of the way so that I might love others. Help me to understand that my love for others grows out of Your love for me. Help me, Lord, to keep on loving and sharing and caring so that others might be able to see You in me. Amen.”

~Reverend George R. LaSure

A Prayer for Today…

Heavenly Father, help me to find my full identity in You. Allow me to humbly see others through Your eyes of grace.

~Our Daily Bread


A Prayer for Today…

God, as Your servants please help us to value others the way You do, regardless of who they are or what they do.

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Compassion

“Before we critically judge another’s behavior while looking lightly at our own, let’s remember that all of us fall short of the glory of God. Instead of condemnation, our Savior showed grace and hope. How can we not do the same for others?”     ~Alyson Kieda

Scripture for Reflection: John 8:1-11; Romans 3:23