Guest Author: Leslie Hamlett

Please join me in welcoming our guest author, Leslie Hamlett! I’m thrilled that she has agreed to share some of her awesome poetry with us.

Leslie and I have been friends for many years. She has always blessed my life with her kindness, love, and compassion. I’m sure you will be blessed, encouraged, challenged, and enlightened by her work.



Leslie Hamlett lives in Tennessee. She enjoys encouraging and assisting others “over the hump” (within reason & balance) through word or deed. She hopes her poems lead others to GOD’s love and his Word in their life’s journey . She also wants her writing to uplift & motivate people to positive action. She has accomplished numerous achievements, including training and speaking locally, regionally and nationally on various subjects. She is a published author, educator, consultant, coach, and most importantly a daughter of the HIGHEST King through JESUS CHRIST. Her life’s focus is “… do it all for the glory of God.”~ 1 Corinthians 10:31 She prays these poems serve well in Jesus name.

She likes to hear from her readers. You may contact her at