Tag Archives: anxiety

A Prayer for Today…

Father, when circumstances cause me to fear, help me to remember that You are near, and to find courage in the power of Your presence.

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Peace

“We don’t have to let our concerns and worries bury us in a sea of unrest. Christ’s peace, which is available no matter what we are facing, can strengthen our confidence and trust in Him.”     ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Colossians 3:1-17

Today’s Quote on Anxiety

“By focusing on our circumstances, we’re actually choosing to feel anxiety and doubt. But these emotions don’t belong in a believer’s daily life. Instead, let’s decide to trust in the promises God has given us.”     ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Isaiah 41:9-13

Today’s Quote on Trust

“God wants His children to trust Him with the future; He doesn’t want us becoming panicky about what may lie ahead. But if He ever calls us to suffer for Him, in that moment He’ll provide the grace we need in order to remain faithful.”     ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Acts 4:1-33

Today’s Quote on Worry

“Trade anxiety for trust. God will guide your way.”  ~Adam Holz

Scripture for Reflection: Proverbs 16:1-9

A Prayer for Today…

“Dear Lord, when what-if worries enter my heart, instead of becoming weary with worry, keep me steadfast in my faith.”

~ Guideposts

Today’s Quote on Courage

“Remembering what Jesus did for us gives us the courage and strength to persevere through struggles in spite of being hard pressed on every side. Because of God’s power in our lives, when we are struck down, but not destroyed, we reveal the life of Jesus.”    ~ Kirsten Holmberg

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 4:7-18

Today’s Quote on Trust

“We may not always be able to feel God’s arms beneath us, but the Lord has promised that He will never leave us. As we rest in His care and promises, He helps us learn to trust in His faithfulness. He lifts us above our worries to discover new peace in Him.”  ~ James Banks

Scripture for Reflection: Isaiah 46:3:-13