Tag Archives: grace

Today’s Quote on Grace

“A critical and unloving attitude doesn’t align with who God has called us to be as believers in Jesus. Even when it’s difficult, may we extend grace and love to everyone we encounter as Christ guides us.”

~Kimya Loder

Scripture for Reflection: Colossians 3:12-17

Today’s Quote on Our Words

“Praying before we speak helps us give God control of our attitude and our words.”

~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Scripture for reflection: Psalm 19:14; Colossians 4:2-6

Today’s Quote on Service:

“God does not choose servants who are solid rocks with no cracks or crevices. He looks for believers who are teachable, willing to repent, and prepared to surrender to God’s greater will, in spite of their weaknesses and failures.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 4:18-20

Will You Pray for Me?

Scripture Reference: Titus 2:1-15

Key Verse: “The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God may not be blasphemed.”  Titus 2: 3-5 (NKJV)

I don’t think of myself as old, but I notice people saying:

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Mrs. Love.”

“Mrs. Dorothea.”

Sometimes it feels weird when I’m addressed like that, instead of being called by my nickname, Dottie. And I still think of “Mrs. Love” as my mother-in-law, not me.

When I hear the phrase, “A Titus 2 woman,” I think of the women who take time to care about my spiritual growth. They share their wisdom, pray for me, and help me grow in faith. I count on their love, compassion, patience, and honesty. Being around them causes me to pray and ask God to help me be a woman like the women mentioned in this scripture passage.

Whenever I get calls and text messages, or during face-to face conversations, I realize younger women are reaching to me now, just like I reached out to the women who make such a difference in my life.

Am I a Titus 2 woman?

It is not easy to think of myself as one of the older, wiser women in this passage, but when a precious young woman asks me to be a prayer partner and keep her accountable for reading her Bible each day, I wonder if I am able to really help her?

I take time to pray for wisdom, and memories begin to flood mind:

          -Of my mother kneeling with my sister, brother, and me, showing us the importance of prayer.

          -Of my grandmother singing hymns of praise as she did her chores.

          -Of my mother-in-law sitting in the kitchen, sharing her life story as she taught me to cook some of her favorite meals.

          -Of my aunts working with the youth at our church.

          -Of the older women at church who encouraged me to trust God throughout my challenges.

They took time to help me become a better wife, mother, and woman.

Can I be that type of example for someone else? It scares me and makes me think about my walk with God. How do I teach that? And I think about those women again.

How do they help me? Thinking about them helps me release my fears and turn to God.

The Lord is my strength, gives me wisdom, provides for my needs. I realize I can share with her and learn with her too.

Now, I can accept and understand the respect I’m given as an older woman. I’m honored to be seen that way, and I ask God to help me be the voice of wisdom these young people need.

Prayer: Thank You, Father, for the young people in our lives. Give us patience, compassion, wisdom, and the will to embrace them. Help us equip the next generation so they can change the world for Your glory. Amen.

Extending Kindness: Reach out to a young person in your life and let them know that you are praying for them.

A Prayer for Today…

Heavenly Father, help me to find my full identity in You. Allow me to humbly see others through Your eyes of grace.

~Our Daily Bread


A Prayer for Today…

“Dear Lord, please give me the grace to surrender my heart to You and yield my life’s vanities to the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit.”

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Compassion

“As God gives us opportunities, we can extend grace and show compassion with a gentle touch that conveys dignity and value. The simple, healing power of human touch goes a long way to remind hurting people of our care and concern.”  ~ Lisa Samra

Scripture for Reflection: Mark 1:35-45

A Prayer for Today…

“Lord, sometimes our guilt and shame can feel so heavy. Help us to release our past and its pain to you and experience Your peace, knowing You have carried it all and have set us free.”

~ Our Daily Bread