Tag Archives: God’s Provision

Today’s Quote on Trust

“The Lord is the source of everything we need – physical, material, emotional, and spiritual. By asking Him to provide our basic necessities, we’re acknowledging our complete dependence upon Him and trusting in His sufficient provision for each day.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 6:9-15; Philippians 4:19


Trusting God’s Provision

“We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!” (Numbers 11:5-6 NIV)


For the past few months, I’ve been adjusting. Yes, this COVID-19 pandemic keeps me inside more than before, so I need to find a way to see this change as a blessing. As a new adventure on this God given journey.

However, I never thought moving to a new city would uncover the selfishness and ungratefulness in my heart.

Our new home in Nevada is the exact opposite of our home in California. Although the ocean is far away, beautiful mountains take its place. The air is drier, but brilliant sunshine wakes me each morning, just like it did in California.

It’s quieter here and life moves at a much slower pace. I notice people going about their daily lives with less fear, anxiety, and anger. Some days it seems like we are in a bubble.

So, what triggered my bad attitude? Continue reading

Today’s Quote on Trust

“God wants His children to trust Him with the future; He doesn’t want us becoming panicky about what may lie ahead. But if He ever calls us to suffer for Him, in that moment He’ll provide the grace we need in order to remain faithful.”     ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Acts 4:1-33

Today’s Quote on Giving

“Generosity displays confidence in God’s loving and faithful provision.”     ~Kirsten Holmberg

Scripture for Reflection: Deuteronomy 15:7-11; Philippians 4:19

Today’s Quote on God’s Provision

“We can get so wrapped up in our challenges and trying to figure them out for ourselves with our often-limited perspective that we miss the abiding presence of the risen Christ. He’s Immanuel – God right there with  us, and ever-present help in trouble.”  ~John Blase

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 14:13-21

Today’s Quote on Worry

“Trade anxiety for trust. God will guide your way.”  ~Adam Holz

Scripture for Reflection: Proverbs 16:1-9

Today’s Quote on Fear

“Worry keeps us from feeling free and joyful. We are never truly free until we break the chains of fear. A life without worry is a life of abundance, a life well lived.”  ~Author Unknown

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 6:25-34

Today’s Quote on Patience

“The spiritual fruit of patience allows us to say, I am willing to let go of immediate gratification and wait for the Lord to supply. It’s an inner quietness and trust that comes from God alone. This doesn’t mean we’ll never feel pressure or stress, but when we release our expectations to the Lord, He will calm our heart and mind.”  ~ Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Philippians 4:4-7

Today’s Quote on Generosity

“God has given us two hands – one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing.”   ~Billy Graham

Scripture for Reflection: Luke 6:17-38