Category Archives: Forgiveness

Today’s Quote on Grace

“A critical and unloving attitude doesn’t align with who God has called us to be as believers in Jesus. Even when it’s difficult, may we extend grace and love to everyone we encounter as Christ guides us.”

~Kimya Loder

Scripture for Reflection: Colossians 3:12-17

Today’s Quote on Loving Your Neighbor

“An offense against your neighbor is a fence between you and God.”

~Bill Crowder

Scripture for Reflection: Galatians 5:13-15

Today’s Quote on Self-Worth

“As God’s image-bearers, our worth cannot be determined by the opinions, expectations, or biases of others.”

~Xochitl Dixon

Scripture for Reflection: Galatians 3:26-4:7

Today’s Quote on Our Identity in Christ

“Our reputation ay be tattered, and our character may be seemingly beyond repair. But neither name ultimately defines us. It’s not what others call you nor even what you call yourself that matters. You are who Jesus says you are. Live into your new name.”

~Mike Wittmer

Scripture for Reflection: Revelation 2:12-17

Today’s Quote on Resentment

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.”

~Catherine Ponder

Today’s Quote on Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is nothing less than the way we heal the world. We heal the world by healing each and every one of our hearts. The process is simple, but it is not easy.”

~Bishop Desmond Tutu

Today’s Quote on Peace:

“Jesus makes peace and reconciliation possible for all who believe in Him through His death and resurrection. If Jesus is our peace, let’s not let our differences divide us. He’s made us one by His blood.”

~Con Campbell

Scripture for Reflection: Ephesians 2:11-22


Learning to Accept My Body


Most of the time, I don’t have a problem slipping on my mask. The smile. The laughter. The attention to others. Continuing to push when I’m tired. Working to please others, sometimes to my detriment.

But, I don’t have the energy or strength to put that mask on right now. I look at myself in the mirror, and my eyes say it all – “I’m worn out. Physically tired. Beaten up emotionally. Desperate spiritually.”

Even though my journey through chronic pain and illness has lasted over forty years, I admit I continue struggling with complete transparency when it comes to my health,  and I acknowledge the times I shy away from my husband and children. I’m sure they recognize when I’m not feeling well, but they choose to ignore it and allow me to keep going.

Recently however, something snapped. And I knew I had to let go of everything that added pressure, weight, and stress to my life. Continue reading

A Prayer for Today…

Father, even when life is tough and uncertain, please keep my faith anchored in You, my source of salvation and strength.

~Our Daily Bread