Tag Archives: fear

A Prayer for Today…

Father, when circumstances cause me to fear, help me to remember that You are near, and to find courage in the power of Your presence.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

God, I’m often so afraid. And when I am, I’m tempted to rely on my own wits or courage – and that’s never enough. Be with me. Give me Your courage.

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote of Fear

“Living unafraid doesn’t mean that we don’t feel fear but that we don’t obey it.”  ~Winn Collier

Scripture for Reflection: Deuteronomy 31:1-8

Today’s Quote on Worry

“Trade anxiety for trust. God will guide your way.”  ~Adam Holz

Scripture for Reflection: Proverbs 16:1-9

Today’s Quote on Fear

“The next time fear comes calling, take your eyes off yourself, answer it with the truth of God’s Word, and let faith take its place.”  ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: II Timothy 1:3-7

Today’s Quote on Fear

“Worry keeps us from feeling free and joyful. We are never truly free until we break the chains of fear. A life without worry is a life of abundance, a life well lived.”  ~Author Unknown

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 6:25-34