Tag Archives: Trusting God

Today’s Quote on Courage

“Is Jesus’s presence enough for me when I’m faced with the impossible in front of me and an enemy fast approaching behind me? That’s the very time for me to take courage. Miracles are about to take place.”

-Cynthia Ruchti

Scripture for Reflection: Isaiah 43:2; Hebrews 13:5

Today’s Quote on Challenging Times

“Your obstacles may seem like mountains too big to move, and in your own strength, they certainly are. But as a believer, you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Although your circumstances may not change, He’ll give you His comfort, joy, peace, patience, and strength to go through it. The Spirit is God’s promise of continual help to His weary people.”

-Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture For Reflection: Zechariah 4:1-14; John 14:1-31

Today’s Quote on Faith

“If you’re living in a season of suffering, have faith that God is using it for HIs glory and your eternal good. All your protests cannot thwart His purpose, so yield to His hand as He shapes You into His Son’s image. And remember that whether it’s apparent or not, our Father’s favor is with you.” ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Genesis 39:19-23

Today’s Quote on Trusting God

“As we pour out our heart to God and let His Word bring comfort, He will renew our mind, calm our fears, and strengthen our trust in Him. Only when the Lord is your stronghold will you remain unshaken.” ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Psalm 62:1-8

Today’s Quote on Trusting God

“Our part as clay is to remain pliable and submit to the Lord’s purposes – not to let parts of our life toughen and resist His attempts to shape us.” ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Isaiah 45:5-9

Today’s Quote on Trust

“The Lord is the source of everything we need – physical, material, emotional, and spiritual. By asking Him to provide our basic necessities, we’re acknowledging our complete dependence upon Him and trusting in His sufficient provision for each day.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 6:9-15; Philippians 4:19

Today’s Quote on Spiritual Growth

“James’ command to consider trials as “all joy” makes no sense unless we see them as opportunities for spiritual growth. Trials are designed by the Lord to test our faith, humility, submission, and values. We can either waste our difficulties by defiantly resisting God or benefit by trusting in and depending on Him.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: James 1:2-12