Tag Archives: comfort

Today’s Quote on Suffering

“Sometimes God allows us to go through trying times such as an illness, loss, or crisis. In turn, when we rely on Him for comfort and strength, we’re able to comfort and encourage others in their suffering.”

~Goh Bee Lee

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 1:3-8

Today’s Quote on Comforting Others:

“We should take care to notice others’ needs and to reach out with Christ’s Love. Through these actions, the world will recognize the light of Jesus, who was anointed to bring good news to the afflicted, bind up the brokenhearted, and comfort all who mourn.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Psalm 72:12-14; Isaiah 61:1-2

A Prayer for Today…

Heavenly Father, thank You for comforting me with Your love during times of rejection or loss. Help me to believe I can depend on You to meet every need in my soul.

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Purpose

“God has been stretching you throughout your life for a specific purpose He destined for you and you alone. With each situation you have experienced or endured, you have been stretched. Your experiences have been used by God to strengthen you and your faith, and now He is calling you to be an example of what He is capable of doing. Not just a witness for Christ, but for His power in your life, because your life matters to God.”              ~Tracie Miles (Author of Your Life Still Counts)

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 1:3-4

Today’s Quote on Comfort

“God can redeem even our darkest moments. If we’re willing to listen, He will redeem our trials by teaching us how to use what we’ve learned in them to minister to others.”  ~ Randy Kilgore

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthinas1:3-11

Today’s Quote on Comfort

“Compassion costs. It is easy enough to argue, criticize, and condemn, but redemption is costly, and comfort draws from the deep. Brains can argue, but it takes heart to comfort.”  ~Samuel Chadwick

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 1:3-7


A Simple Touch


When my children were babies, I loved to rub their tiny feet while I rocked them to sleep. By the time my son turned one, he started trying to avoid sleep. He squirmed when I picked him up, but as soon as I began singing to him and rocking him, he calmed down. Within minutes, his eyes would close and he’d be asleep.

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Never Alone



“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”  (John 14:16-17 KJV)


Sometimes, I get a little frustrated at my doctors’ appointments. When I’m in a lot of pain, I have trouble expressing how I feel in a concise manner. I leave without having all of my concerns addressed or without asking questions I wanted to ask about a new treatment or medicine.

I’m so thankful when my husband, Norman, is able to take time off work and go with me. It’s nice to leave my cane in the car, because I can lean on him for support. He carries my book, gets the elevator, and opens doors for me. Little things, but it is really nice not to have to maneuver everything all alone.

In the examination room he sits quietly in the corner, usually paging through his magazine. We don’t talk much, but his presence soothes me and helps me contain my anxiety.

I remember a particular appointment when his presence helped tremendously. As the doctor started going through her check list, she talked to me about additional tests. She also suggested two treatment options I felt uncomfortable with. Norman never interrupted the conversation, but his steady gaze and presence helped me find the courage to say no and to ask for what I felt that I needed most.

The Holy Spirit does this and so much more for us! His presence, guidance, discernment, and power are always with us. He helps us to obey God, to know God’s truth, and to live in a manner that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father. It is His presence within us that allows others to witness God’s glory at work in our lives.

I like the names listed for the Holy Spirit in the Amplified Bible’s version for this verse (John 14:16-17 AMP): “Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby.” When I meditate on these names and attributes of the Holy Spirit, I come away knowing how much the Lord loves me and seeks to help me every day.

God promises to be with us (Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 41:10; Matthew 28:20). No matter what you are facing today, please remember that your help is found in the Lord.

Prayer:  Father, whenever we face a challenge, help us to remember the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit that’s available to help us.