Category Archives: fear

Today’s Quote on Fear:

“Avoiding a task that God has given us will lead to bondage. The more we feed our fear, the more we’ll be controlled by feelings of inadequacy, which can impact decisions we make.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Deuteronomy 1:26-36

Today’s Quote on Faith

“The more we contemplate the difficulties we’re facing, the bigger they will seem. But if we turn our attention to almighty God, He will be magnified and our faith will grow.”     ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: II Chronicles 20:1-18

A Prayer for Today…

God, I’m often so afraid. And when I am, I’m tempted to rely on my own wits or courage – and that’s never enough. Be with me. Give me Your courage.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

Father, when life feels overwhelming, give me strength. Give me Your presence and comfort, for without You, I’m lost.

~Our Daily Bread

A Prayer for Today…

God, keep me from growing lazy or too comfortable in my spiritual life. Help me to remain watchful and alert so I can resist temptation!

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Worry

“Trade anxiety for trust. God will guide your way.”  ~Adam Holz

Scripture for Reflection: Proverbs 16:1-9