Tag Archives: daily living

Today’s Quote on Faith

“If you’re living in a season of suffering, have faith that God is using it for HIs glory and your eternal good. All your protests cannot thwart His purpose, so yield to His hand as He shapes You into His Son’s image. And remember that whether it’s apparent or not, our Father’s favor is with you.” ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Genesis 39:19-23

Today’s Quote on Life’s Tests

“Whether at home, at church, at work, or on the highway, consider each person you meet as someone undergoing a test in progress that you may not be aware of. Will you switch lanes to bypass them? Or will you offer a word of encouragement? Ask Jesus to give you the same attitude He has for others. Thank Him for loving and accepting us wherever we are in our tests in progress.”

~Cassandra Tiersma

Scripture for Reflection: Romans 15:1-5

Today’s Quote on Peace

“Jesus doesn’t promise us a pain-free life. But He does promise that as we trust and rest in Him, we can experience a peace that’s deeper and more satisfying than any escape the world tries to sell us.”

~Adam R. Holz

Scripture for Reflection: John 16:25-33; Philippians 1:4-6

Today’s Quote on Testing

“In our confusion, darkness, and testing, we learn truths about ourselves and about God. And we may even find that our testing leads to a deeper trust in Him.”

~Winn Collier

Scripture for Reflection: James 1:1-27

Today’s Quote on Our Identity in Christ

“Our reputation ay be tattered, and our character may be seemingly beyond repair. But neither name ultimately defines us. It’s not what others call you nor even what you call yourself that matters. You are who Jesus says you are. Live into your new name.”

~Mike Wittmer

Scripture for Reflection: Revelation 2:12-17

Today’s Quote on Daily Living

“We’re not promised an easy life, but God uses our trials to accomplish His will. Difficult experiences are given to us for our good, for the benefit of others, and for God’s glory.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Philippians 1:1-30

Empowered by the Word with Jacques McNeil

On Sunday, November 14,2021, I had the honor and privilege to be a guest on Empowered by the Word with Jacques McNeil.

Our topic was, REST and the Scripture Passage was Matthew 11:28-30.