Tag Archives: self esteem

Today’s Quote on Self-Worth

“As God’s image-bearers, our worth cannot be determined by the opinions, expectations, or biases of others.”

~Xochitl Dixon

Scripture for Reflection: Galatians 3:26-4:7

Poetry by Leslie…




Don’t be shocked

Cause I am not

You are so critical of yourself…

can’t even accept the admiration of someone else

Why with yourself are you so dismayed?

You know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made

Why do you look down on yourself like you do?

Don’t you believe what I said about you is true? Continue reading

Poetry by Leslie…


Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

I want to give some advice to you
There is something that I believe you should do
Don’t be so hard on yourself
Realize that you can always go to GOD for repentance and unconditional help

Your Heavenly FATHER made you a priceless gem,
who must always be totally dependent on HIM
GOD’s 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 Love, please embrace
Understand that our flesh is imperfect but can rely on HIS amazing grace

You are GOD’s unique workmanship…so don’t compare
For there is no one like you on this earth anywhere
Remember to take care of your body by exercising and eating right
And always know that you are precious and beautiful in GOD’s sight

Don’t get caught-up with what others think or say
Base your self-worth on what GOD’s Word says about you; for HE is the CREATOR of your DNA
Please don’t live your life according to what you understand
Trust GOD and allow HIM to hold your hand

Rest in knowing you were made from dust…so you are a little dusty
GOD is never caught off guard, He knows you make mistakes and sometimes get a little rusty
Even though you don’t deserve it… GOD’s SON, JESUS, died and rose from the dead just for you
And HE wants to be involved in all your actions; what you say, think, and do

We all have things about us that need to be changed; for we all are works in progress
So try not to get discouraged by worrying and unhealthy stress
Whatever you do…provide your best
Give your all to JESUS and He will do the rest

Your life improvements ….ask the LORD to help you with
And know sometimes the POTTER has to break you in order to help you get fixed
For HE knows your correct form and shape
And sometimes in your growth…you may have to be still and wait

This Sovereign GOD, you, HE chose to love
He chose to redeem and set you free with His only Son’s blood
So to the LORD, don’t be afraid to cry out when you have gotten off track
His compassionate Rod and Staff will guide you back

HE wants to lead you to green pastures and still waters
For you are His cherished daughter
To clothe you with garments of salvation and in righteousness YOU HE wants to cover
For HIS Love for you is like no others


Enough is enough is enough!!
Stop beating yourself up
I want you to forever know that disliking yourself is a waste of time
For your DESIGNER thinks you are just fine

Accept the gift that only your Heavenly FATHER can give
In HIS Sufficient Grace …please live
You are an original design…not made like anyone else
So please, don’t be so hard on yourself

Leslie Hamlett © 2006

I Want to Feel Worthy

Antique Dictionary

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.                        (II Corinthians 1:3-4 NKJV)

Several years ago, I heard a speaker say that definitions hold power. His discussion and views piqued my interest, especially when he gave examples of how the meaning of words and phrases have changed over the years.

I remembered those ideas as I prepared for another doctor’s appointment. My medical team has described me as a chronic pain and illness sufferer. My husband has defined me as wife, mother, friend, and partner. Then, there are other people who have characterized me – my children, parents, in-laws, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

How others see me and think about me shouldn’t matter. But, I admit that constantly hearing questions about my health wears on me. “How are you feeling?” “You look tired.” “How can you stand it?” “I feel sorry for you.”

Then, there are the questions or comments that attack my faith: “Don’t you believe in divine healing?” “My mother suffered had (fill in the blank, because I’ve heard just about everything) all she did was pray, and stand on her faith. Now, she’s healed. You must be doing something wrong.”

I’m dumbfounded!

Sometimes when I get backed into a corner, I question myself. I wonder if what they say is true. Is something wrong with me? Do I lack faith?

Allowing myself listen to and think about what they are saying takes my eyes off of God. Their words and opinions weigh on my mind, and then my self-esteem takes a dive. I find ask myself, “Am I worthy?”

You know, maybe there’s something inside of me that makes me believe I don’t deserve a life free from suffering. Are they right? Am I wrong for working through the challenges in my life, trusting God to give me the strength I need to endure?

What about you? Who judges you and defines your life according to their standards? They see your struggles. But instead offering you compassion, empathy, or support, there is only disapproval.

As you know, one of my biggest challenges involves my health. A flare severely limits my abilities. Sometimes the pain, fatigue, or stiff and swollen joints force me to bed. My family buzzes around me, and I’m left alone. I can’t contribute, and I feel useless.

Can you relate? Have you experienced moments when you questioned your worth?

We want a new career, but we don’t have the necessary skills. Our marriage is falling apart, and we don’t know how to make things better. Our relationship with our children is strained, and we fear the path they have chosen. We’re drowning in debt but try to maintain the up appearance of a normal life.

Unexpected situations will always pop up, and if we let them overwhelm us, we become anxious, stressed, and depressed, thinking we are doomed to a life of hopelessness.

We have to renew our minds and let God‘s Word define us (Romans 12:1-2). We have to remember that we have been magnificently created (Psalm 139:14). We are loved (I John 4:7-11). In spite of our situation, God can use us to bring glory to His name and to help others.

I don’t know what you face on a daily basis; or the source of your pain; or the person whose harsh words made you feel worthless; or the cause of your shame; or the damage abuse left on your soul; or how often rejection caused you to cry yourself to sleep; or understand the cravings of your addiction; or why mental illness strikes your family.

If we focus on the things that puzzle us and leave us stumped, we start to panic and think that we may not make it. However, putting our faith, hope and trust in God and leaning on Him to be with us, allows us to bear our hardships. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:24-34), and Paul assures us that God will meet our need (Philippians 4:19).

We must cast every care on the Lord (I Peter 5:7), let His love transform our lives, and believe Him when He says He will never leave us (Joshua 1:9; Hebrews 13:5). Then, we will begin to find restoration. We will understand that our worth is not linked to material or physical things. Our worth is based on God’s love for us.

He said we are worthy, and He proved it with the cross.

I pray we will never forget.

Who Are You?

Who Defines You

“Then they said to him, ‘Who are you, that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do you say about yourself?’” (John 1:22)

My husband loves people and has an uncanny ability to tell a lot about them from his first impression. He never meets a stranger and enjoys talking to everyone. Even though I’m reserved, my husband helps me feel more relaxed when I meet people. I find that it’s a lot easier for me to handle the conversation if I’m introduced and given a little background information.

I’ve met people who start talking as soon as I say, “Hello.” Sometimes it may take a question to get them to start talking, but then, they won’t stop. People like these give me a pretty good sense of their lives.

Today’s scripture passage made me think of meeting someone for the first time. Of how easy it is to make snap judgments and have preconceived ideas about other people before they utter one word. How often are our first impressions about them incorrect?

How do you respond when someone asks you to define yourself? Many of us immediately start talking about our job title, role in our family, church affiliation, or social activities. Have you ever been ashamed of your life and “embellished” parts of it? Do you make excuses instead of acknowledging your truth?

Really, who are we? When we are alone, quiet our minds, and let our bodies become still, what are we saying to ourselves? Are we honest? Or have we started to believe the lies we tell?

Likewise, whenever we listen to the opinions of other people and allow them to speak hurtful words to us, we risk believing horribly untrue things about ourselves.

That’s why it’s so important to know what God says about us. We need to learn to make His word our final authority.

He tells us that we are good because He created us in His image (Genesis 1:26, 31); that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14); that we have a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11); that His strength is all we need when we feel weak (II Corinthians 12:9); and that even though we are hard pressed on every side, we are not defeated (II Corinthians 4:8-9).

Should we trust the things in scripture? Or believe the lies coming from a defeated mindset? Will we allow God to guide us? Or will we continue to look for other things to fulfill us? How can we understand that only God’s love will bring total peace and healing to us?

John the Baptist was secure in his relationship with God. He didn’t shy away from his role as forerunner to Christ, and he was able to point others to the promised Messiah when Christ came to be baptized (John 1:19-34).

Our lives should also point others to the Lord Jesus Christ. We don’t have to climb on a soapbox and start preaching to the whole wide world, but we do have a responsibility to live in such a way that others notice the difference. God will give us opportunities to share our faith and the confidence to do so whenever He provides the chance.

Let’s pray for the courage that John the Baptist had and never shy away when we are asked about our faith or our trust in Jesus Christ. May God help us and give us the words to share His love for this hurting world.