Tag Archives: transformation

Today’s Quote on Our Identity in Christ

“Our reputation ay be tattered, and our character may be seemingly beyond repair. But neither name ultimately defines us. It’s not what others call you nor even what you call yourself that matters. You are who Jesus says you are. Live into your new name.”

~Mike Wittmer

Scripture for Reflection: Revelation 2:12-17

Today’s Quote on Change

“As we allow the Holy Spirit to uncouple us from the world and its ways, our thoughts and attitudes begin to change. We become more loving, more hopeful, and filled with inner peace.”

~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Scripture for Reflection: Romans 12:1-3

Today’s Quote on Pain

“We can’t change the past, but we can allow God’s truths to change our hearts, and in turn, change our future by embracing God’s promise that He will never waste our pain.”  ~Tracie Miles

Scripture for Reflection: Romans 8:28-39

A Prayer for Today…

“Teach me, O God, to put You first in everything I do. Show me how to take delight in You, so that my heart will be transformed to be like Yours.”

~ Our Daily Bread