Category Archives: hope

Today’s Quote on Life’s Difficulties

“We’re not promised an easy life, but God uses our trials to accomplish His will. Difficult experiences are given to us for our good, for the benefit of others, and for God’s glory.”

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Philippians 1:12-20

Today’s Quote on God’s Will

“God’s will is sometimes hard to follow. He asks us to do the right things. He calls us to endure hardship without complaining; to love awkward people, to heed the voice inside us that says, You mustn’t; to take steps we’d rather not take. So we must tell our souls all day long: “Hey soul, listen up. Be silent. Do what Jesus is asking you to do.”

~David H. Roper

Scripture for Reflection: Psalm 62

Today’s Quote on Trust

“God’s great love enables us to go on, to get up to face the day. Our trials may feel overwhelming, but we won’t be destroyed by them because God’s love is far greater! If you are going through a dark time, don’t lose hope. You will not be consumed by what you face. Keep trusting in God’s faithful love and provision for you.”

~Karen Huang

Scripture for Reflection: Lamentations 3:21-23

Today’s Quote on Our Identity in Christ

“Our reputation ay be tattered, and our character may be seemingly beyond repair. But neither name ultimately defines us. It’s not what others call you nor even what you call yourself that matters. You are who Jesus says you are. Live into your new name.”

~Mike Wittmer

Scripture for Reflection: Revelation 2:12-17

Today’s Quote on Change

“As we allow the Holy Spirit to uncouple us from the world and its ways, our thoughts and attitudes begin to change. We become more loving, more hopeful, and filled with inner peace.”

~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Scripture for Reflection: Romans 12:1-3