Tag Archives: God’s Purpose

Today’s Quote on Our Assignments

“When the Lord gives us a task, He will bestow the spiritual authority we need to carry it out, and He will provide us with people to help. God has promised to equip us for His work. What is [our] response when asked to serve?”

In Touch Ministries

Scriptures for Reflection: Exodus 3:1-14; Matthew 28:16-20

Today’s Quote on God’s Purpose

“We can see God’s actions only from the limited vantage point of our humanness. Often the Lord’s goals and purposes are hidden from us until His plans come to fruition. We may wonder at the turns our life takes, but we can be certain God is sovereign over all the earth.”

~Dr. Charles F. Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Genesis 50:15-21

Today’s Quote on Purpose

“God has been stretching you throughout your life for a specific purpose He destined for you and you alone. With each situation you have experienced or endured, you have been stretched. Your experiences have been used by God to strengthen you and your faith, and now He is calling you to be an example of what He is capable of doing. Not just a witness for Christ, but for His power in your life, because your life matters to God.”              ~Tracie Miles (Author of Your Life Still Counts)

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 1:3-4

Today’s Quote on Pain

“We’re not asked to deny our pain and suffering, but we can take heart in God’s ability to use it for good.”  ~Leslie Koh

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 1:3-7

Today’s Quote on Pain

“It can be hard to understand why we suffer. Yet, God can use our affliction in unexpected ways. As we turn to Him for comfort and love in the midst of trials, it also empowers us to help others.”  ~ Leslie Koh

Scripture for Reflection: II Corinthians 1:3-7

Today’s Quote on Daily Living

“We must endeavor to lead holy, humble, and loving lives, focusing on the Savior’s will rather than our own. God has prepared the good works that we are to walk in. Our job is to carry them out.”  ~ Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 5:14-16

Today’s Quote on Peace

“When you realize that nothing happens apart from God’s awareness, direction, and loving purpose, it becomes possible to lay down worry and fear and truly experience His peace.”  ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: Philippians 4:8-9