Tag Archives: Parents


Letting Go of Guilt


I enjoy reading the nice posts for Mother’s Day and for Father’s Day. A lot of us give extra attention to our parents in May and June, the months set aside to honor them. Sending cards, buying gifts, and spending time with them are some of the ways we let them know how special they are and how much we appreciate them.

Reading some of the accolades about moms and dads made me reflect on the importance of self-forgiveness for parents.

My children are grown. Sometimes I look back and see mistakes I made, missed opportunities, hurried moments, and I cringe. I berate myself for not being a better mother. It is hard for me to focus on the special moments, great memories, or shared laughter and joy.

It makes me wonder if other parents feel the same way.

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An Honest Look Inward


It is painful learning that judgment and compassion, bitterness and love, or anger and peace cannot exist in the same heart.

This revelation is a result of a conversation with my dad.

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