Tag Archives: grace

Today’s Quote on Daily Living

“Strive to do what is right in every circumstance. Be aware of your words and actions and ask God to help you be an extension of His love and grace. Keep your eyes on Jesus and live your life by being the best person you can be.”  ~Our Daily Bread

Scripture for Reflection: Hebrews 12:1-3

A Prayer for Today…

“Lord, help me to tackle everything on my plate today with grace, enthusiam, and joy, knowing that my attitude may affect others in ways I’m not even aware of.”

~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Daily Living

“Our positive actions toward others can show the world that we are able to live differently because of the Holy Spirit’s work in us. He will give us the grace to reject ungodliness and wrong passions, and to live upright lives that point people to God.”  ~Leslie Koh

Scripture for Reflection: Titus 2:6-14

Today’s Quote on Our Words

“Trusting the Lord, we don’t need to use words as weapons.”  ~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Scripture for Reflection: Proverbs 15:1-2

Today’s Quote on Gentleness

“Gentleness is not weakness. Just the opposite. Preserving a gentle spirit in a heartless world takes extraordinary courage, determination, and resilience. Do not underestimate the power of gentleness because gentleness is strength wrapped in peace, and therein lies the power to change the world.”  ~L. R. Knost

Scripture for Reflection: Colossians 3:12-17

Today’s Quote on Humility

“A humble spirit paves the way for the other Christian graces to flow into your life – changing thoughts, priorities, and behaviors.”  ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for Reflection: I Peter 5:6

Today’s Quote on Spiritual Growth

“Our real journey in life is interior. It is a matter of growing, deepening, and an ever greater surrender to the creative action of love and grace in our hearts.”   ~Thomas Merton

Scripture for Reflection: Ephesians 3:14-21

A Prayer for Today…

“Father in Heaven, without You we would have nothing. Without Your grace we would be hopeless. Without the Spirit of Your Son we would be helpless. Please show us how to give You the Honor You deserve.”   ~Our Daily Bread

Today’s Quote on Mercy

“Most people know they’re messed up. Instead of lectures, they need a hope for redemption. Stern faces or sharp words can block their view of that hope. Followers of Jesus must become the face of grace in these life-changing encounters with others.”  ~Randy Kilgore

Scripture for Reflection: Acts 9:1-19