Tag Archives: Christian Lifestyle

Today’s Quote on Service

“Christ saves and empowers us to honor Him with our lives, not because we have special qualifications but because we’re each valuable members of His family.”  ~Xochitl Dixon

Scripture for Reflection: II Timothy 1:1-14

Today’s Quote on Compassion

“The God of compassion is at work in our hearts, allowing us in turn to touch others’ lives by reaching out and whispering words of encouragement.”  ~Anne Cetas

Scripture for Reflection: Romans 12:9-21


Asking for Help


Learning to extend compassion to myself is not an easy task. I’m in the third month of this journey, and I’m still struggling with feelings of guilt, of not being worthy, of fear of becoming selfish. And one of the most difficult concepts to accept is being as kind and attentive to myself as I am to others.

I love Psalm 23, especially when David speaks of the Lord/Shepherd leading him beside still waters and restoring his soul (Psalm 23:2-3). Those images speak of peace and rest, elements I sometimes crave in my life. Psalm 46:10 talks about being still and knowing that God is our help and refuge. I realize I need to follow the advice in these scriptures.

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Today’s Quote on Daily Living

“Does my life betray the things I profess to teach?”  ~Oswald Chambers

Scripture for Reflection: Matthew 5:13-16

Today’s Quote on Sharing Our Faith

“God’s plan for every believer is made up of a lifetime of small opportunities. No matter what our carreer or calling may be, we should each seek ways to serve the Lord daily. We do this by ministering – wherever we are – to family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.”  ~Dr. Charles Stanley

Scripture for reflection: Matthew 5:13-16




A Glimpse of Unconditional Acceptance


I am excited that one my daughter’s friends is getting married in a few weeks. This wedding is special to me because my daughter is a bridesmaid and because the bride asked my daughter to design the engagement photo dress and the bridesmaids’ skirts for the wedding.

I admit I was surprised when I got an invitation to the bridal shower, because I have never interacted with her family.

I didn’t know what to expect and seriously considered not attending. I knew I always felt anxious whenever I met new people or when I was in new social environments.

It would have been so easy for me to send the gift by my daughter, but whenever I thought about doing that, I thought about this precious young woman, her love for God, and how she chose to live a life that reflected God’s love and joy. She had always been a source of light and grace and compassion, and I didn’t want to disappoint her.

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